Our Steiner Stream
“Education through the head, heart and hands”
Waldorf/Steiner education exists world-wide and Mornington Park Primary School is the only primary school that offers a dual stream program on the Mornington Peninsula. The main essence of Steiner Education is to bring out the capacities of each child through a balanced approach, understanding that intelligence and interest in learning is diverse and comes in many forms: through practical, intellectual, emotional, movement and social means. Our methods aim to deliver the curriculum content in an artistic way that resonates with and enriches the child’s confidence and experience of the world. With enthusiasm of heart we value diversity.
Our Steiner program has adapted the Waldorf/Steiner approach, covering the key learning requirements of the Victorian Curriculum. We engage in standardised literacy and numeracy assessments including NAPLAN testing at years 3 and 5.
Features of our Steiner Stream
“An enriched approach to learning”