At Mornington Park Primary School we value the reciprocal benefits of having partnerships with members of the community who volunteer their time.We believe Communities can have a major impact on the outcomes of children and young people. Children and young people have performed better where schools have utilised the variety of networks, organisations and activities available in the community.We have a strong association with the University of the Third Age (U3A) as well as local service clubs, businesses, churches and corporate bodies. Volunteers offer their time to our school in many ways including; reading with students, helping with craft, partnering us in musical projects, serving breakfast and hot lunches, mentoring and working at the school Op Shop. We truly value their support and expertise.Recently our Principal was invited to speak at the ‘Intergenerational Forum’ at Federation Square focussing on the relationship benefits to both parties, assisting the younger generations in a variety of ways and, at the same time, contributing to the feelings of dignity and self-worth of seniors members of our society.In particular
strengthening positive attitudes between people of all ages, young to old, old to young
fostering intergenerational participation throughout course of life; and,
creating an inclusive society for all ages.
If you would like to volunteer at our wonderful school please pop in to pick up an information pack, call 59 754011 or email to
Volunteer Induction Handbook